European Foul Brood in South London

Dear Members,

If you are registered with BeeBase you will almost certainly have received notification emails that your apiary is within the 3km radius of an outbreak of European Foul Brood (EFB). If you are not registered, then I would strongly urge you to do so. BeeBase is the Defra National Bee Unit website. As well as notifications of reportable diseases, there is a wealth of advisory documents, research and information. Members’ details are covered by GDPR.

As the Seasonal Bee Inspector has been checking members’ hives, further occurrences have been found which has led to further notifications but not all hives are being inspected and not all beekeepers are registered on BeeBase.

EFB is particularly prevalent at the moment. Bromley Beekeepers therefore urge you to have your bees inspected even if you have no cause to be concerned about colony health. Bee Inspectors are all keen, trained and knowledgeable beekeepers and can provide invaluable advice and information with minimum disruption during hive checks. Contact details can be found on the BeeBase website.

The pathogen can survive for a number of years and can spread via tools used during inspections e.g. gloves and hive tool and can also be transmitted by bees stealing nectar from infected colonies or frames. Apiary hygiene is therefore of paramount importance; with vigilance this outbreak can be brought under control.


Kind regards

Jenny Spon-Smith
Bromley Beekeepers